The Massachusetts Jump$tart Coalition will award up to 12 teachers a $250-500 grant to support teaching of financial education in K-12 classrooms. Use of funds must relate to teaching of financial education however are up to the applicants discretion. Application below requires an explanation of planned use of funds, estimated number of students to be impacted, degree of impact, and suggested metrics to determine impact. Grant recipients are required to provide updates to Jump$tart regarding progress. Applications will be evaluated quarterly with 3-4 grants assigned per quarter. Winners will be selected by the Jump$tart Coalition's Teacher Recognition Committee based on use of funds and estimated impact explained in the application. Applicants must be a licensed Massachusetts teacher. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis utilizing the submission form below.Name* First Last Email* Phone*School* District* Subject* Grade Level* Project*Please describe your grant project and provide a budget summary of how the $250-500 will be used.Students*How many students do you expect these funds to impact? What metrics would be used to determine progress toward this goal? Blog Post*If awarded the grant, would you be willing to write (or be the subject of) a blog post explaining your project and impact? Yes No What is ten times ten?Please answer this math question. Signature*Please write your name / digital signature below to show that you agree to give Jump$tart permission to share your project idea with others