Bringing personal finance into Massachusetts classrooms is something we can all get behind. Raising financially literate youth not only helps close income gaps, but it also strengthens our communities and builds a brighter future for our state.
Although Massachusetts is one of only five states in the country that doesn’t require personal finance education, there are a dedicated corps of teachers who are taking the lead in bringing financial literacy to our students, and the Massachusetts Jumpstart Coalition is dedicated to supporting them with access to resources, training and financial support.
Most importantly, we’re part of the national Jumpstart Coalition’s effort to ensure that these financial literacy efforts have the quality and impact they need to make a difference.
Join us to add your voice to those who support these educators’ efforts, and to learn more about our efforts to build a financially literate student body.
Thank you for your support!
National Standards for Financial Education
Jump$tart National Standards for Financial Education provides a framework for K-12 education. The goal is to provide a foundation of knowledge that prepares students for financial decisions in adulthood. They include information on classroom learning, finance-themed extra-curricular activities, and more.

Check Your School!
Money management is the one subject that everyone will use “in real life” but not all schools offer effective financial education. We want to put effective financial education in every school in America,.. and we need your help. It all starts by checking your school.